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Ingaming Guideline
Welcome to the Ingaming Guideline. Here you will find step by step instructions on how to make your mod playable.
DataTable - Explanation
First of all you should have a look at the DataTables:
Currently in work, please be patient…
Beginner | Advanced | |
Ropeway DataTable | 4-CLF¹ | 8-CLD/B² |
Carrier DataTable | 4E95¹ | 8E98² |
Snow Cannons | Marmotta GigaSnow | Demac Lenko |
Vehicles | Pistenbully 600W | Pistenbully 200 |
¹ fix-gripped-ropeway/carrier
² detachable-ropeway/carrier
Ingaming - Tutorial
Once you are familiar with the DataTabels, we can start to ingame your mod.
Beginner | Advanced | |
Ropeway | 4-CLF SampleModLift | 4-MGD Example |
Snow Cannons | Marmotta GigaSnow | Demac Lenko |
Vehicles | Pistenbully 600 | Vehicles |
In case you are facing difficulties, feel free to reach out to our modding community on the official WRS discord server in the #modding