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Ingaming Guideline

Welcome to the Ingaming Guideline. Here you will find step by step instructions on how to make your mod playable.

DataTable - Explanation

First of all you should have a look at the DataTables:

Currently in work, please be patient…

Beginner Advanced
Ropeway DataTable 4-CLF¹ 8-CLD/B²
Carrier DataTable 4E95¹ 8E98²
Snow Cannons Marmotta GigaSnow Demac Lenko
Vehicles Pistenbully 600W Pistenbully 200

¹ fix-gripped-ropeway/carrier

² detachable-ropeway/carrier

Ingaming - Tutorial

Once you are familiar with the DataTabels, we can start to ingame your mod.

In case you are facing difficulties, feel free to reach out to our modding community on the official WRS discord server in the #modding chat!