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Modding SDK

The SDK only works for Season 1 at the moment! We will update this section soon!

The game is shipped with an editor plugin for the Unity Editor, which allows you to create new mods. The SDK will always be located in your install directory (usually Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Winter Resort Simulator). You will find an archive called (but the version number might of course be higher).

Please make sure to check the file LICENSE_AND_README.txt within the archive to learn about the modding only license, under which the SDK is released.


The Modding SDK is a toolkit that is required for creating mods. It includes various scripts and all data tables that are used in the game. Additionally, it also contains the meshes, models and prefabs of the PistenBully 600, the snow cannon and the snowfox snow mobile (for modding purposes only!).


Please check out this detailled installation tutorial.

Please make sure to use Unity Editor 2019.1.14f1. You can download the setup from Unity's download archive. Please also make sure you are using the latest version of the modding SDK. The modding SDK will usually be updated together with the main game in major patches/updates.

In case you need any support, feel free to join the official WRS discord and check the #modding channel: Invite Link

Important Notes regarding the installation:

  • Please always update your modding SDK installation after a game update!
  • If you have installed the SDK before Patch 4, please either use a new Unity project or overwrite the existing files of your Unity project.
  • Make sure that Blender is installed on your system! The SDK will not work correctly without having Blender installed.

After the installation, we recommend to have a look at the vehicles included in the modding SDK. They will help you to understand how modding works.

We recommend to have a look at the guide on creating an asset bundle to find out how you can build your first mod.


Copyright (C) HR Innoways GmbH, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

ENGLISH: You may use all scripts and contents of this modding SDK for creating mods (i.e. content that is added to Winter Resort Simulator) in the form of Unity asset bundles (*.unity3d-files).

Any use exceeding this regulation (such as use in standalone builds) is forbidden.

DEUTSCH: Die Scripte und Inhalte dieses Modding SDKs dürfen für die Erstellung von Mods für den Winter Resort Simulator verwendet werden (also für Inhalte, die dem Spiel in Form von Unity Asset Bundles hinzugefügt werden, also als *.unity3d-Dateien).

Jede anderweitige Verwendung (wie z.B. in eigenständigen Projekten) ist nicht gestattet.

Basic steps for modding

Following steps are relevant for content relating to new 3D assets.

  1. We recommend to create a new directory in the Assets/Mods/ directory of your Unity project for each mod.
  2. Save your model (either .blend or .fbx files supported) into the directory that you just created.
  3. Assign all textures and materials to the model. Select the model in Unity's project window. Select the “Materials” tab and drag the new materials onto the material slots from your model.
  4. Copy the mod.lua file from the Assets/WinterResortSimulator-SDK/Template directory and fill in data regarding the mod (name, description, and your name/nickname). The mod.lua file is required for the game to recognise the mod.
  5. Also copy the script.lua file. This file will be responsible for adding the mod's content to the game.
  6. Follow the steps within the script.lua file. It can be helpful to check out the page on ModLoader.
  7. Select all models, prefabs and .lua files that are required for your mod within Unity's project window. You don't need to select any textures or materials (except GUI images).
  8. At the bottom of the Inspector window (which is at the right side of the screen), assign them to an asset bundle called yourmodname.unity3d. Please replace yourmodname with the name of your mod and always include the suffix .unity3d. The game will not recognise the mod otherwise.
  9. After having the asset bundles assigned, look for the “Winter Resort Simulator SDK” button in the main menu at the top of the screen. Press “Build Mods” and wait for it to finish. In case there are any errors, please try to fix them.
  10. As soon as building mods is finished, you will be asked whether the mods shall be copied into the game's mod directory (Documents\My Games\WinterResortSimulator\mods) for you. You can also copy them yourself (they will be exported into the Mods directory that is located at the same level as the Assets directory).
  11. Start the game and try your mod!