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Change map images

Download the WRS-Map-Template Season 1 for Season 1 map and WRS-Map-Template Season 2 for Season 2 map and change the minimap.png and the slopemap.png as you like.

Please Note: If you do not remove the minimap.png and slopemap.png after loading the decided savegame it will changed in the following loaded savegames too.

Open the savegame folder at Documents\MyGames\WinterResortSimulator\savegames.

Now drag and drop the minimap.png and the slopemap.png into your savegames folder.

Now start the WinterResortSimulator and load the savegame you want to change the map Images.

After loading the savegame, save the game and close the WinterResortSimulator. Now remove the minimap.png and the slopeMap.png from the savegame folder. If you do not remove the minimap.png and slopemap.png after loading the decided savegame it will changed in the following loaded savegames too.