Editing Savegames

In this guide, we will show you how you can

1. Add Ropeways

Info: In the meantime, ropeways get automatically included in the economic system!

First go into the “game editor” by holding down the “backspace” key and clicking on the wrench. Then you open the “Ropeways” mode and build a ropeway by entering a name, click on the + and build a “route”. If you have built a ropeway with this name, you have to remember the name, save and exit the game. Then you open the savegame folder at Documents/My Games/WinterResortSimulator/savegames and select your last saved “.lua” file. The best way to run the “.lua” file is with a text editor like Notepad++. Then you search with CTRL + F for the term “skiLifts”. You should now see the term “skiLifts”.

Now add the following text after “skiLifts”:

name = "-",
typeDesc = "-",
typeDescLong = "-",
from = "-",
to = "-",
uphill = -,
downhill = -,
length = 996.170837402344,
maxSpeed = 6.5,
capacity = 1994.92560115392,
balanceSheetId = 16,
depreciationPeriod = 3600,
dailyFixedCosts = 0,
hourlyCostPerCarrier = 5,
dailyRentCosts = 3000,
acquisitionPrice = 9320000,
hourlySqSpeedCosts = 10,
imgBackgroundPosition = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),
imgBackgroundRotation = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),
openFrom = 30600,
openTo = 59400,

At “name” you enter the name of the ropeway you chose in the game. Attention: It must be identical!
At “typeDesc” you enter the short name of the ropeway, e.g. 10-MGD
At “typeDescLong” you enter the long name of the ropeway, e.g. 10-Gondola
With “from” and “to” you simply enter the start and end of the ropeway, e.g. “from = valley” and “to = mountain”. Attention: It must be a point where a slope is located!
At “uphill” and “downhill” you indicate with true or false, if the skiers should only take the ropeway up or also down.
E.g. at chairlift you type in:

uphill = true,
downhill = false,

At “maxSpeed” you enter the following numbers:

3S-Gondola 7.5
10-Gondola 6.5
6-Chairlift 5
8-Chairlift 5

At “imgBackgroundPosition” and “imgBackgroundRotation” you give the coordinates for the preview in the “ropeway menu”.

With the Atria it should be noted that the colors for the LODs are entered differently than with the Omega:
OMEGA: carrier,lod1,lod2
ATRIA: carrier,lods

2. Add Slopes

First you go into the “game editor” by holding down the backspace key and clicking on the wrench. Then you open the “Terrain Mode” and click on “Info Layer” in the top 2 buttons of “Terrain”. Next, select the “Info Layer” function for one of the mouse buttons and set a desired number on the right at “SetInfoLayer Settings”, which is saved as a number. If you have drawn a slope under this set number, you have to remember the number, save the game and exit the game Then you open the savegame folder at Documents/My Games/WinterResortSimulator/savegames and select your last saved “.lua” file. The best way to run the “.lua” file is with a text editor like Notepad++. Then you search with CTRL + F for the term “skiSlopes”. You should now see the term “skiSlopes”.

Now add the following text after “skiSlopes”:

slope = "-",
infoLayer = -,
name = "-",
from = "-",
to = "-",
diff = -,
length = 180,
currentGuests = 0,
maxSkiersCapacity = 6000,

The next time the savegames is started, more lines will be added automatically.

At “slope” you enter the number of the slope.
At “infoLayer” you enter the number you have previously noted and the game takes over the slope that marked under this number.
At “name” you simply enter the name, such as “valley run”.
With “from” and “to” you simply enter the start and end of the slope, such as from = “mountain” and to = “valley”.
With “diff” you indicate the difficulty of the slope. 1 = light (blue), 2 = medium (red), 3 = difficult (black).
“length” is the time in seconds it takes the unvisible skiers to ski this infolayer from from to to.

3. Add Facilities

First you go into the “game editor” by holding down the backspace key and clicking on the wrench. Then you open the “Object-Mode” and place, for example, the “Sonnenhütte” by clicking on the + and going into the “Buildings” folder under default / buildings and selecting the object with the name“ Sonnenhuette ”. When you have placed the facilities, you remember the name (Sonnenhütte), save the game and exit the game, then open the savegame folder under Documents/My Games/WinterResortSimulator/savegames and choose your last saved “.lua” file. The best way to run the “.lua” file is with a text editor like Notepad++. Then you search with CTRL + F for the term “facilities”. You should now see the term “facilities” under the “skiSlopes” area.

Now add the following text after “facilities”:

name = "Sonnenhütte",
location = "-",
showInUI = true,
needsStock = true,
stockLevel = 0,
targetStockLevel = 0,
sellingPricePerGuest = 8.53,
isAttraction = true,
imgBackgroundPosition = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),
imgBackgroundRotation = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),
stayDuration = 1800,
maxCurrentGuests = 300,
deliveryTriggerPosition = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),
deliveryTriggerRotationY = 0,

The next time the savegames is started, more lines will be added automatically.

At “name” you enter the name of the restaurant (“Sonnenhütte”). Attention: Please do not use the same name twice.
At “location” you indicate the place where your gastronomy is, for example: “summit”. The name at location, for example “summit”, has to be the name of a to or from of a infolayer or ropeway. Otherwise the ecosystem guests will not be able to find your facility.
At “imgBackgroundPosition” and “imgBackgroundRotation” you give the coordinates for the preview in the “ropeway menu”.
At “deliveryTriggerPosition” you enter the coordinates of the desired position of the delivery trigger at the facility.

To be able to supply the facilities with parcels it is necessary to have a place where the parcels can be bought. In the lua-file of your savegame you will find the following part:

deliverySpawner = {
	spawnRotationY = 13.875,
	position = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),
	spawnPosition = Vector3:new(0, 0, 0),

At “position = Vector3:new” you enter the coordinates of the desired position of the trigger where you buy the parcels.

At “spawnPosition = Vector3:new” you enter the coordinates of the desired spawn position for the parcels. These coordinates should not be identical to “position = Vector3:new” beacuse otherwise the parcels could not spawn because the player is standing exactly at the spawn position.

4. Add ImgBackground

Info: In the meantime, ImgBackground's for ropeways get automatically included in the economic system!

So that the ropeway gets a nice preview, you have to set the “imgBackgroundPosition” and “imgBackgroundRotation”. First go into “Spectator Mode” by holding down the backspace key and clicking on the camera. Then you fly with the camera to your station and choose a suitable position. When you have determined the position, you save in perspective and leave the game. Now you open the savegame folder under Documents/My Games/WinterResortSimulator/savegames and select your last saved “.lua” file. The best way to run the “.lua” file is with a text editor like “Notepad ++”. Then you search with “CTRL + F” for the term “spectator”. Now you should see the term “spectator”.

First you take X, Y and Z from the position and then X, Y (and Z = 0) from the rotation. (Tip: Create a new text document and enter the data.)
Then you insert the coordinates of the position in “imgBackgroundPosition” and the coordinates of the rotation in “imgBackgroundRotation”.
Pay attention to the placement of commas and spaces (example numbers):

imgBackgroundPosition = (123, 123, 123)
imgBackgroundRotation = (123, 123, 0)