
SnowCannon handles all vehicle-related features of a snow cannon. A single vehicle may contain more than just one snow cannon (e.g. a twin snow cannon, or maybe even some separately controllable nozzles).

  25  SnowCannon                          = SnowCannon or {};
  26  SnowSystem.SNOW_HEIGHTSTEP          = 2 / 255;
  27  SnowCannon.CONTROL_RANGE            = 5*5;


First, we set up all functions required by this vehicle script. Functions with return values are not supported by VehicleManager:newFunction(), therefore these are assigned directly.

Afterwards, we read some configuration for all the snow cannons that are available on this vehicle, and initialize them.

  33  function SnowCannon:load(dataTable)
  34      self.setIsCannonTurnedOn        = VehicleManager:newFunction("setIsCannonTurnedOn");
  35      self.setSnowCannonGroupId       = VehicleManager:newFunction("setSnowCannonGroupId");
  36      self.setCannonRotationX         = VehicleManager:newFunction("setCannonRotationX");
  37      self.setCannonRotationY         = VehicleManager:newFunction("setCannonRotationY");
  38      self.snowCannonRemoteCallback   = VehicleManager:newFunction("snowCannonRemoteCallback")
  39      self.snowCannonRemoteMove       = VehicleManager:newFunction("snowCannonRemoteMove")
  40      self.getSnowCannonRemoteButton  = SnowCannon.getSnowCannonRemoteButton;
  41      self.getMayTurnCannonOn         = SnowCannon.getMayTurnCannonOn;
  43      self.snowCannons                = {};
  44      self.snowCannonGroupId          = 0; -- to be overridden by Escape Menu GUI
  46      for n, v in pairs(dataTable.snowCannons) do
  47          -- note: rotation is controlled via separate scripts (as this function is shared e.g. with the blade)
  48          -- we only handle starting/stopping, particle system and snow spawning
  49          local spawnIndex            = v.snowSpawnIndex or "";
  50          local propellerIndex        = v.propellerIndex or "";
  52          if cannonIndex == "" then break else
  53              local cannon            = {};
  54              cannon.snowSpawnId      = getChild(, spawnIndex);
  55              cannon.controlId        = getChild(, v.controlIndex or "")
  56              cannon.cameraId         = getChild(, v.cameraIndex or "");
  58              if propellerIndex ~= "" then
  59                  cannon.propellerId          = getChild(, propellerIndex);
  60                  cannon.propellerMaxSpeed    = (v.propellerSpeed or 300)/60 * 360; -- rpm (here converted to degrees per second)
  61                  cannon.propellerSpeed       = 0;
  62              end;
  64              if v.rotX ~= nil then
  65                  cannon.rotXId       = getChild(, v.rotX.index);
  66                  cannon.rotXmin      = v.rotX.min or 0;
  67                  cannon.rotXmax      = v.rotX.max or 45;
  68                  cannon.rotXSpeed    = v.rotX.speed or 15;
  69                  cannon.rotXAttach   = v.rotX.attachValue;
  71                  local x,y,z         = getRotation(cannon.rotXId);
  72                  cannon.rotX         = x;
  73              end;
  74              if v.rotY ~= nil then
  75                  cannon.rotYId       = getChild(, v.rotY.index);
  76                  cannon.rotYmin      = v.rotY.min;
  77                  cannon.rotYmax      = v.rotY.max;
  78                  cannon.rotYSpeed    = v.rotY.speed or 30;
  79                  cannon.rotYAttach   = v.rotY.attachValue;
  81                  local x,y,z         = getRotation(cannon.rotYId);
  82                  cannon.rotY         = y;
  83              end;
  85              cannon.particleSystems  = {};
  86              if v.particleSystems ~= nil then
  87                  for _, str in pairs(v.particleSystems) do
  88                      local particleId    = getChild(, str);
  89                      ParticleSystem.stop(particleId);
  91                      table.insert(cannon.particleSystems, particleId);
  92                  end;
  93              end;
  94              cannon.particleSystemsPlaying   = false;
  96              if v.idleSound ~= nil then
  97                  cannon.idleSoundId          = Utils.loadBundleGameObject(self.bundleId, v.idleSound);
  98                  setParent(cannon.idleSoundId, cannon.snowSpawnId);
  99                  setPosition(cannon.idleSoundId, 0,0,0);
 100                  AudioSource.stop(cannon.idleSoundId);
 101              end;
 103              cannon.isTurnedOn           = false;
 104              cannon.inputKey             = v.inputKey or "SnowCannon_TurnOnOff";
 105              cannon.startupDuration      = v.startupDuration or 5; -- wait some time before snow is spawned
 106              cannon.startupTimer         = 0;
 107              cannon.rayLength            = v.rayLength or 15;
 108              cannon.spreadFactor         = v.spreadFactor or 1.4;
 109              cannon.minSpreadRadius      = v.minSpreadRadius or 7;
 110              cannon.volumePerSecond      = (v.volumePerHour or 5000)/3600; -- in m³ per hour
 111              cannon.cumulatedVolume      = 0; -- cumulated volume of snow spawned already
 112              cannon.pricePerCubic        = v.pricePerCubic or 1; -- should be a realistic value
 114              self.snowCannons[n]         = cannon;
 115          end;
 116      end;
 118      SnowmakingManager:registerVehicle(self);
 119  end;


There are multiple things that have to be updated every frame:

  • If the player is active (g_scenario.player.isActive), we need to check whether the player wants to switch the cannon on or off, or maybe wants to rotate the cannon.
  • If the cannon is turned on, it should start emitting snow after some time, i.e. we have to update some particle effects.
  • The actual process of creating snow also has to be updated.
 126  function SnowCannon:update(dt)
 127      -- alright, first animate all cannons
 128      local player                    = g_scenario.player;
 130      for k, cannon in pairs(self.snowCannons) do
 131          -- animate propeller in x axis
 132          if cannon.propellerId ~= nil then
 133              cannon.propellerSpeed   = Utils.moveTowards(cannon.propellerSpeed, cannon.isTurnedOn and cannon.propellerMaxSpeed or 0, cannon.propellerMaxSpeed * dt);
 134              if cannon.propellerSpeed ~= nil then
 135                  rotate(cannon.propellerId, 0,0, cannon.propellerSpeed * dt);
 136              end;
 137          end;
 139          local px,py,pz                  = getWorldPosition(cannon.controlId);
 140          local dx,dy,dz                  = px - player.x, py - player.y, pz - player.z;
 142          if player.isActive and self.attacherMasterVehicle == nil and (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) < SnowCannon.CONTROL_RANGE then
 143              -- check if the player wants to toggle on/off the cannon
 144              local inputKey              = InputMapper[cannon.inputKey];
 145              if InputMapper:getKeyDown(inputKey) then
 146                  self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(k, not cannon.isTurnedOn);
 147              end;
 149              -- key hint
 150              g_GUI:addKeyHint(inputKey, l10n.get(cannon.isTurnedOn and "Input_SnowCannon_TurnOff" or "Input_SnowCannon_TurnOn"));
 152              -- let the player turn the cannon
 153              if cannon.rotYId ~= nil then
 154                  if InputMapper:getKey(InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateLeft) then
 155                      self:setCannonRotationY(k, cannon.rotY - cannon.rotYSpeed * dt);
 157                  elseif InputMapper:getKey(InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateRight) then
 158                      self:setCannonRotationY(k, cannon.rotY + cannon.rotYSpeed * dt);
 159                  end;
 160                  g_GUI:addDoubleKeyHint(InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateLeft, InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateRight, l10n.get("SnowCannon_RotateLeftRight"));
 161              end;
 163              if cannon.rotXId ~= nil then
 164                  if InputMapper:getKey(InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateUp) then
 165                      self:setCannonRotationX(k, cannon.rotX + cannon.rotXSpeed * dt);
 167                  elseif InputMapper:getKey(InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateDown) then
 168                      self:setCannonRotationX(k, cannon.rotX - cannon.rotXSpeed * dt);
 169                  end;
 170                  g_GUI:addDoubleKeyHint(InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateUp, InputMapper.SnowCannon_RotateDown, l10n.get("SnowCannon_RotateUpDown"));
 171              end;
 172          end;
 174          if cannon.isTurnedOn and not self:getMayTurnCannonOn(k) then
 175              self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(k, false);
 176          end;
 178          if cannon.isTurnedOn then
 179              cannon.startupTimer     = cannon.startupTimer + dt;
 181              if cannon.startupTimer >= cannon.startupDuration then
 183                  -- start playing the particle systems
 184                  if not cannon.particleSystemsPlaying then
 185                      for _, id in pairs(cannon.particleSystems) do
 186                ;
 187                      end;
 189                      if cannon.idleSoundId ~= nil then
 190                ;
 191                      end;
 192                  end;
 194                  -- we're spawning some snow!
 195                  -- get the world position and direction of our cannon
 196                  local x,y,z         = getWorldPosition(cannon.snowSpawnId);
 197                  local dx,dy,dz      = Utils.transformDirection(cannon.snowSpawnId, 0,0,1); -- yeet snow in +Z direction
 199                  -- snow focuses on a fixed point that is located some metres (rayLength) in front of our snowSpawnId
 200                  local rayLength     = cannon.rayLength;
 201                  x,y,z               = x + rayLength*dx, y + rayLength*dy, z + rayLength*dz;
 203                  local terrainDelta  = y - Utils.sampleTerrainHeight(x, z);
 205                  -- let's assume snow to spread in linear way:
 206                  -- if emitted e.g. 5 metres above terrain, it will spread in a radius of e.g. 5 metres (=> diametre 10 m!)
 207                  -- this can be customised using the cannon's spread factor
 208                  -- this is approximated using a slightly modified cone volume formula (V = 1/3 * r^2 * pi * h)
 209                  cannon.cumulatedVolume  = cannon.cumulatedVolume + cannon.volumePerSecond * dt;
 211                  local spreadRadius  = math.max(terrainDelta * cannon.spreadFactor, cannon.minSpreadRadius);
 212                  local deltaHeight   = 0.7 * cannon.cumulatedVolume / (spreadRadius^1.6);
 214                  -- spawn if delta height is larger than 2x step size
 215                  if deltaHeight >= 10*SnowSystem.SNOW_HEIGHTSTEP then
 216                      local price     = cannon.cumulatedVolume * cannon.pricePerCubic;
 218                      if g_scenario:canAffordExpense(price) then
 219                          -- pass this on to snow system
 220                          SnowSystem.addSnowCircular(x, deltaHeight, z, spreadRadius);
 221                          g_scenario:addSnowmakingExpense(price);
 222                      else
 223                          -- shut cannon off
 224                          self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(k, false);
 225                      end;
 226                      cannon.cumulatedVolume  = 0;
 228                  end;
 229              end;
 230          end;
 231      end;
 232  end;


Saves all relevant variables.

 236  function SnowCannon:saveToTable(tbl)
 237      if tbl == nil then return end;
 239      tbl.snowCannonGroupId       = self.snowCannonGroupId;
 240      tbl.snowCannons             = {};
 242      for n, cannon in pairs(self.snowCannons) do
 243          tbl.snowCannons[n]      = {
 244              isTurnedOn          = cannon.isTurnedOn,
 245              cumulatedVolume     = cannon.cumulatedVolume, -- save this to avoid all cannons "eating" money at once
 246              propellerSpeed      = cannon.propellerSpeed,
 247              startupTimer        = cannon.startupTimer,
 248              rotX                = cannon.rotX,
 249              rotY                = cannon.rotY,
 250          };
 251      end;
 252  end;


Restores all values from the savegame.

 256  function SnowCannon:loadFromTable(tbl)
 257      if tbl == nil then return end;
 259      self.snowCannonGroupId      = getNoNil(tbl.snowCannonGroupId, self.snowCannonGroupId);
 261      if tbl.snowCannons == nil then return end;
 263      for n, cannon in pairs(self.snowCannons) do
 264          local savedCannon       = tbl.snowCannons[n];
 266          if savedCannon ~= nil then
 267              cannon.isTurnedOn       = getNoNil(savedCannon.isTurnedOn,          false);
 268              cannon.cumulatedVolume  = getNoNil(savedCannon.cumulatedVolume,     cannon.cumulatedVolume);
 269              cannon.propellerSpeed   = getNoNil(savedCannon.propellerSpeed,      cannon.propellerSpeed);
 270              cannon.startupTimer     = getNoNil(savedCannon.startupTimer,        cannon.startupTimer);
 272              if savedCannon.rotX ~= nil and cannon.rotXId ~= nil then
 273                  self:setCannonRotationX(n, savedCannon.rotX);
 274              end;
 275              if savedCannon.rotY ~= nil and cannon.rotYId ~= nil then
 276                  self:setCannonRotationY(n, savedCannon.rotY);
 277              end;
 278          end;
 280          -- apply that (to make sure everything is alright)
 281          self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(n, cannon.isTurnedOn, true);
 282      end;
 283  end;

SnowCannon:setIsCannonTurnedOn(cannonIndex, state)

Call this to turn the snow cannon number cannonIndex (int, starting with 1) on or off, depending on state (bool).

 287  function SnowCannon:setIsCannonTurnedOn(cannonIndex, state)
 288      -- don't allow the player to turn on the cannon if he doesn't have enough cash
 289      if state and not g_scenario:canAffordExpense(0) then
 290          state                       = false;
 291      end;
 293      if cannonIndex == nil then
 294          -- apply this to all cannons
 295          for k, _ in pairs(self.snowCannons) do
 296              -- make sure k is not nil, as this would result in an infinite loop
 297              if k ~= nil then
 298                  self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(k, state);
 299              end;
 300          end;
 301      end;
 303      local cannon                    = self.snowCannons[cannonIndex];
 304      if cannon == nil then return end;
 306      cannon.isTurnedOn               = state and self:getMayTurnCannonOn(cannonIndex);
 308      if not state then
 309          -- stop emitting particles
 310          for _, id in pairs(cannon.particleSystems) do
 311              ParticleSystem.stop(id);
 312          end;
 313          cannon.particleSystemsPlaying   = false;
 315          cannon.startupTimer         = 0;
 316          cannon.cumulatedVolume      = 0;
 318          if cannon.idleSoundId ~= nil then
 319              AudioSource.stop(cannon.idleSoundId);
 320          end;
 321      end;
 322  end;


Returns whether the snow cannon may be turned on. This is always allowed unless the snow cannon is attached to another vehicle.

 327  function SnowCannon:getMayTurnCannonOn(cannonIndex)
 328      return self.attacherMasterVehicle == nil;
 329  end;


Rotate the snow cannon to a specific position if rotXAttach or rotYAttach are enabled in the cannon's configuration table. These will not be required for most cannons.

 335  function SnowCannon:onAttach()
 336      for k, v in pairs(self.snowCannons) do
 337          self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(k, false);
 339          if v.rotXAttach ~= nil then
 340              self:setCannonRotationX(k, v.rotXAttach);
 341          end;
 343          if v.rotYAttach ~= nil then
 344              self:setCannonRotationY(k, v.rotYAttach);
 345          end;
 346      end;
 347  end;


Makes the snow cannon join group number groupId (int). 0 means the snow cannon does not belong to any group.

 351  function SnowCannon:setSnowCannonGroupId(groupId)
 352      self.snowCannonGroupId          = math.max(groupId or 0, 0);
 353  end;


Returns the button description that is displayed in the overview menu's snowmaking section (if this snow cannon is selected).

 357  function SnowCannon:getSnowCannonRemoteButton()
 358      if self.snowCannons == nil or self.snowCannons[1] == nil then
 359          return "Invalid";
 360      end;
 362      return l10n.get(self.snowCannons[1].isTurnedOn and "ui_esc_snowCannonRemote1" or "ui_esc_snowCannonRemote0");
 363  end;


Is called every time the player clicks the start/stop button in the overview menu's snowmaking section. The button's label is specified by the return value of SnowCannon:getSnowCannonRemoteButton().

 367  function SnowCannon:snowCannonRemoteCallback()
 368      if self.snowCannons == nil or self.snowCannons[1] == nil then return end;
 370      self:setIsCannonTurnedOn(1, not self.snowCannons[1].isTurnedOn);
 371  end;

SnowCannon:snowCannonRemoteMove(deltaX, deltaY)

Allows to rotate the snow cannon via the overview menu's snowmaking section.

 375  function SnowCannon:snowCannonRemoteMove(deltaX, deltaY)
 376      local cannon                    = self.snowCannons[1];
 377      if cannon == nil then return end;
 379      local dt                        = 1/30;
 381      if deltaY ~= nil and deltaY ~= 0 then
 382          self:setCannonRotationX(1, cannon.rotX + cannon.rotXSpeed * dt * deltaY);
 383      end;
 384      if deltaX ~= nil and deltaX ~= 0 then
 385          self:setCannonRotationY(1, cannon.rotY + cannon.rotYSpeed * dt * deltaX);
 386      end;
 387  end;

SnowCannon:setCannonRotationX(cannonIndex, rotX)

Rotates the snow cannon along its X rotation axis.

 391  function SnowCannon:setCannonRotationX(cannonIndex, rotX)
 392      local cannon                    = self.snowCannons[cannonIndex];
 393      if cannon == nil then return end;
 395      if cannon.rotXId ~= nil then
 396          cannon.rotX                 = clamp(rotX, cannon.rotXmin, cannon.rotXmax);
 397          setRotationX(cannon.rotXId, cannon.rotX);
 398      end;
 399  end;

SnowCannon:setCannonRotationY(cannonIndex, rotY)

Rotates the snow cannon along its Y rotation axis.

 403  function SnowCannon:setCannonRotationY(cannonIndex, rotY)
 404      local cannon                    = self.snowCannons[cannonIndex];
 405      if cannon == nil then return end;
 407      if cannon.rotYId ~= nil then
 408          cannon.rotY                 = clamp(rotY, cannon.rotYmin, cannon.rotYmax);
 409          setRotationY(cannon.rotYId, cannon.rotY);
 410      end;
 411  end;


 413  function SnowCannon:destroy()
 414      SnowmakingManager:unregisterVehicle(self);
 415  end;

All contents of this page may be used for modding use for Winter Resort Simulator only. Any use exceeding this regulation is not permitted.

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