Action denied


The AnchorPoint class stores information on anchor points, which any vehicles equipped with a RopeWinch can be attached to. The script is mainly used by RopeWinch and VehicleAnchor.

  25  AnchorPoint                     = AnchorPoint or {};
  26  local AnchorPointClass          = Class(AnchorPoint);
  28  -- set this variable for coupling to nil
  29  --AnchorPoint.activeVehicle     = nil;


Creates a new AnchorPoint instance for a static object with id id (int).

  33  function AnchorPoint.onCreate(id)
  34      AnchorPoint:new(getChildAt(id, 0), id);
  35  end;


Internally called by an onCreate script attached to the player.

Do not call this from any mod.

  40  function AnchorPoint.onCreatePlayer(id)
  41      AnchorPoint:new(id, nil, true);
  42  end;

AnchorPoint:load(id, btnId, isPlayer)

Loads a newly created AnchorPoint instance using following arguments:

  • id (int) is the transform id of the rope target, i.e. the rope will be connected to here.
  • btnId (int) is the transform id of the control element. The player can click this control element to attach any active rope to the anchor point.
  • isPlayer (bool) should usually be false.
  49  function AnchorPoint:load(id, btnId, isPlayer)
  50      self.ropeTargetId           = id;
  51      self.controlButtonId        = btnId;
  53      self.connectedVehicle       = nil;
  55      if self.controlButtonId == nil and not isPlayer then
  56          print("Error while loading AnchorPoint: no control button id specified, rope target id is " .. tostring(id) .. ". Loading skipped");
  57          return;
  58      end;
  59      if self.controlButtonId ~= nil then
  62          ControlElement.setCallback(self.controlButtonId, 1,
  63              function()
  64                  self:buttonCallback();
  65              end
  66          );
  67          ControlElement.setActiveCallback(self.controlButtonId,
  68              function()
  69                  return self:getControlElementActive();
  70              end
  71          );
  73          ControlElement.setName(self.controlButtonId, l10n.get("WinchAnchor_Attach"));
  75          -- register anchor point
  76          local x,y,z                 = getWorldPosition(self.ropeTargetId);
  78          self.anchorPointName        = ("anchor" .. string.format(":%s @ (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)", getName(self.ropeTargetId), x,y,z));
  80          local origName              = self.anchorPointName;
  82          -- find a name that is not yet blocked
  83          for i=0, 100, 1 do
  84              if RopeWinch.anchorPoints[self.anchorPointName] == nil then
  85                  break;
  86              else
  87                  self.anchorPointName    = origName .. "(" .. i .. ")";
  88              end;
  89          end;
  91      else
  92          -- only player is allowed not to pass a controlButton
  93          self.anchorPointName        = "player";
  94      end;
  96      -- ropewinch does not call delete function, therefore we add it manually
  97      RopeWinch.registerAnchorPoint(self.anchorPointName, self);
  98      addDestroyListener(id, self);
  99  end;


Returns whether the anchor point's control element shall be activated. The element cannot be clicked if this returns false.

 102  function AnchorPoint:getControlElementActive()
 103      if self.connectedVehicle ~= nil then
 104          if AnchorPoint.activeVehicle ~= nil then
 105              -- we have a vehicle attached, but the player is also trying to attach a vehicle
 106              -- => block this
 107              return false;
 108          end;
 109          return self.connectedVehicle.getMayRopeWinchDisconnect == nil or self.connectedVehicle:getMayRopeWinchDisconnect();
 110      end;
 111      -- otherwise we're prepared for attaching
 112      return AnchorPoint.activeVehicle ~= nil;
 113  end;


Is called if the player has clicked the control element (i.e. we can assume that AnchorPoint:getControlElementActive() has returned true).

 116  function AnchorPoint:buttonCallback()
 117      if self.connectedVehicle ~= nil then
 118          self:disconnect();
 120      elseif AnchorPoint.activeVehicle ~= nil then
 121          self:attach(AnchorPoint.activeVehicle);
 122          AnchorPoint.activeVehicle   = nil;
 123      end;
 124  end;


Attaches the vehicle vehicle (table of vehicle instance) to this anchor point.

 127  function AnchorPoint:attach(vehicle)
 128      if vehicle == nil or vehicle.attachWinchToAnchorPoint == nil then return end;
 130      self.connectedVehicle       = vehicle;
 131      self.connectedVehicle:attachWinchToAnchorPoint(self.anchorPointName);
 133      if self.controlButtonId ~= nil then
 134          ControlElement.setName(self.controlButtonId, l10n.get("WinchAnchor_Disconnect"));
 135      end;
 136  end;


Disconnects/detaches any active vehicle from this anchor point. If noPlayerAttaching is nil or false, the rope will be attached to the player controller. Otherwise (in case of true) the rope will not be connected to the player.

 139  function AnchorPoint:disconnect(noPlayerAttaching)
 140      if self.connectedVehicle == nil then return end;
 142      -- decouple that vehicle
 143      if not noPlayerAttaching then
 144          self.connectedVehicle:attachWinchToAnchorPoint("player");
 145      else
 146          self.connectedVehicle:attachWinchToAnchorPoint(nil);
 147      end;
 149      -- and set it as active vehicle
 150      AnchorPoint.activeVehicle   = self.connectedVehicle;
 152      self.connectedVehicle       = nil;
 153      if self.controlButtonId ~= nil then
 154          ControlElement.setName(self.controlButtonId, l10n.get("WinchAnchor_Attach"));
 155      end;
 156  end;


Is called if the anchor point is destroyed, e.g. if the prefab is deleted in ingame editor.

 159  function AnchorPoint:destroy()
 160      self:disconnect(true);
 161      RopeWinch.unregisterAnchorPoint(self.anchorPointName);
 162  end;

All contents of this page may be used for modding use for Winter Resort Simulator only. Any use exceeding this regulation is not permitted.

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