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Vehicles: Snow displacement

Please note that this article is work in progress, and may not currently leave you with functioning snow displacement. The page will be updated rapidly with more information, please be patient!

In season 2, the snow displacement has been moved to the script file. This tutorial is mainly aimed at preexisting vehicles from season 1 that are to be converted for season 2, but it can also be used for new vehicles.

Removing the Vehicle Floor components

First off, you will want to remove the “Vehicle Floor” component from the “floor1“ - “floor4” gameobjects. If you are converting a snowcat from season 1, it is likely that these objects will be right below the top object.


To delete the components, right click on their titles and select “Remove Component”.

Deleting and adding the right objects

Next up, I recommend to delete the “floor1” - “floor4” objects and create an empty object inside the top object.


Add an empty object below the top object.


Inside this object, create 12 new empty gameobjects. Name them whatever you want, but for easy reference I suggest adding left to 4 of the objecs, right to 4 and center to the last 4. For example like on the picture below:


Moving the objects in place

The next part can be a bit tricky. Now we will position the objects where we want them. To make it easier, it can be a good idea to toggle the side views using the gizmo in the top right:


As the name suggests, the left objects should cover the left crawler in a rectangle like on the picture below. Same goes for the left objects.


The height of the objects is best to configure for yourself until it fits your needs, but generally the left and right objects for the crawler will be at around this height:
